ГДЗ Английский язык 8 класс часть 1 Афанасьева UNIT 1 Step 4 Номер 9

Упражнение №28 - раздел 4 по английскому языку 7 класса - афанасьева о.в.

Exercise 8. Поставьте глаголы в скобках в правильную форму и прочитайте шутку.

One day a man stopped at a Detroit hotel. He … (just to cash) a check, but he didn’t want to carry too much money with him. So he asked the desk clerk to put a hundred-dollar bill in the safe for him. The next morning the clerk said that he … (not to take) any money from the man. The man had nothing to do but to go to the nearest lawyer. The lawyer advised the man to return to the hotel with him and to give another hundred-dollar bill to the clerk. That was what they did. An hour later the man went back and claimed his money. As the man had a lawyer as an eyewitness to the second hundred-dollar bill, the clerk couldn’t say he … (not to take) it. Another hour later the man and the lawyer came up to the clerk and asked for a hundred-dollar bill. This time the clerk said he … (already to give) the bill to the man. But the lawyer insisted that he … (to see) the man giving the money to the clerk, but he … (not to see) the clerk returning the money. The lawyer promised to call the police if the clerk … (to forget) about the bill. The clerk realized that he could do nothing but return the money.
«I don’t know how to thank you for getting my money back», said the man happily. «Oh, don’t thank me», answered the lawyer. «My help will cost you one hundred dollars».

Answers: He had just cashed a check, but he didn’t want to carry too much money with him. The next morning the clerk said that he hadn’t taken any money from the man. As the man had a lawyer as an eyewitness to the second hundred-dollar bill, the clerk couldn’t say he hadn’t taken it. This time the clerk said he had already given the bill to the man. But the lawyer insisted that he had seen the man giving the money to the clerk, but he hadn’t seen the clerk returning the money. The lawyer promised to call the police if the clerk had forgotten about the bill.

Exercise 10. Составьте предложения, используя the Past Perfect Tense.

  1.  You/not to leave/the hotel/by our arrival yesterday.
  2.  How many letters/she/to type/by the end of the day?
  3.  Не/to have dinner/by that time?
  4.  My cousin/not to be/to this museum/before.
  5.  I/to get/your message/two days before.
  6. What/he/to do/by the end of last week?
  7.  What places/they to visit/by the end of their vacations?
  8.  Whom/he/to phone/before his departure?
  9.  She/to buy/а new fridge/by the end of last week.
  10.  Ben/to take/the medicine/by five o’clock yesterday.

Answers: 1. You hadn’t left the hotel by our arrival yesterday. 2. How many letters had she typed by the end of the day? 3. Had he had dinner by that time? 4. My cousin hadn’t been to this museum before. 5. I had got your message two days before. 6. What had he done by the end of last week? 7. What places had they visited by the end of their vacations? 8. Whom had he phoned before his departure? 9. She had bought a new fridge by the end of last week. 10. Ben had taken the medicine by five o’clock yesterday.

Exercise 6. Сделайте предложения вопросительными.

  1. Mary had booked the tickets before.
  2.  We had been to this exhibition.
  3.  You had received the invitation before Wednesday.
  4.  The bus had arrived before 5 o’clock.
  5.  Tom had heard that story before.
  6. They had gone to the railway station before 6 o’clock.
  7. My father had returned from his business trip by the weekend.
  8. We had met Eric before the lesson.
  9.  The taxi had come by 7 o’clock.
  10. They had used this key before.

Answers: 1. Had Mary booked the tickets before? 2.Had we been to this exhibition? 3. Had you received the invitation before Wednesday?
4.Had the bus arrived before 5 o’clock? 5. Had Tom heard that story before? 6. Had they gone to the railway station before 6 o’clock? 7. Had my father returned from his business trip by the weekend? 8. Had we met Eric before the lesson? 9. Had the taxi come by 7 o’clock? 10. Had they used this key before?

Exercise 5. Поставьте глаголы в скобках в правильную форму и прочитайте шутку.

A man went out of prison after twenty years. He decided to go back to the place he … (to live) before. When he got there he didn’t recognize the place. Everything … (to change). The places he … (to visit) disappeared. The man was very hungry and remembered about a small cafe where he … (to have dinner) before, but there wasn’t a cafe any more. Instead of it there was a big restaurant. The man came into this restaurant and ordered a cup of coffee and a sandwich. When he took out his wallet to pay the bill, he found a shoemaker ticket in it. «I … (to take) a pair of shoes to the shoemaker before I went to prison, but I… (not to receive) them back», the man thought. So the man went to the shoemaker’s. To his surprise the shoemaker was still at the same place! The man showed the shoemaker the ticket and explained that he … (to leave) him a pair of shoes twenty years before. The shoemaker took the ticket and said, «ОК. Come back tomorrow. Your shoes will be ready then».

Answers: He decided to go back to the place he had lived before. Everything had changed. The places he had visited disappeared. The man was very hungry and remembered about a small cafe where he had had dinner before, but there wasn’t a cafe any more. «I had taken a pair of shoes to the shoemaker before I went to prison, but I hadn’t received them back», the man thought. The man showed the shoemaker the ticket and explained that he had left him a pair of shoes twenty years before.

Exercise 2. Поставьте глаголы в скобках в the Past Perfect Tense.

  1. He … (to watch) this TV programme before his parents came home.
  2. Sheila and Witty … (to send) the invitations for the conference before Friday.
  3.  A group of tourists … (already to visit) this cathedral before the guide told them about its history.
  4. His nephew … (to move) to a new flat by the beginning of September.
  5.  The accident … (to happen) before Henry understood anything.
  6.  It … (to stop) raining by the evening.
  7.  John and Andrew … (to get) to the hotel before night.
  8.  You … (to make) a decision before our talk.
  9.  I … (to meet) your brother before we both entered university.
  10.  We … (to make photocopies of the documents by six o’clock yesterday.

Answers: 1. had watched; 2.had sent; 3.had already visited; 4.had moved; 5. had happened; 6. had stopped; 7. had got; 8. had made; 9. had met; 10. had made.

Зачем учить английский

«ГДЗ Английский язык 8 класс Баранова, Афанасьева, Михеева Учебник (Титул)» – это превосходный инструмент для тщательного разбора всех заданий из учебно-методического комплекта по иностранному наречию. Английский является самым распространённым диалектом в мировом сообществе двадцать первого века.

Ребята должны с первого года школьного обучения ценить, что им выпал шанс овладеть таким полезным для их будущей жизни навыком. Будучи взрослыми, надеемся, их ждет много путешествий по миру, и практически в каждом цивилизованном уголке нашей планеты можно спокойно изъясняться на британском диалекте, не рискуя быть непонятым.

В деловой сфере также данный инструмент общения является превалирующим. Все договорённости между крупными компаниями, оборотная документация, ведётся именно на английском

Эти причины должны убедить молодых людей уделять этой лингвистической дисциплине особое внимание. Если это читают родители своих любимых дочерей и сыновей, рекомендуем в старшие классы отдать своего ребёнка в профильную школу именно с уклоном в обсуждаемый предмет

Так удастся сделать отличный задел на будущее для учеников, чтобы те смогли поступить в высшее учебное заведение схожей направленности и получить актуальную и высокооплачиваемую специализацию.

Exercise 3. Поставьте глаголы в скобках в the Past Perfect Tense и прочитайте историю.

Fortune Teller

Many hundreds of years ago a king went to see a fortune teller to know about his future life. The fortune teller told the king, «Your wife will die this year». But the king didn’t believe what the fortune teller … (to predict). Later that year the king’s wife died. The king remembered what the fortune teller … (to tell) him and thought that she … (to cause) the death of his wife. So he decided to put the fortune teller to death. After the soldiers … (to bring) the fortune teller to the king, he reminded her of what she … (to predict). «If you are a real fortune teller, you must know the day of your own death», said the king. The fortune teller realized that the king … (to decide) to kill her. So she thought very carefully and then answered, «I’ll die three days before you do, your majesty».

Answers: But the king didn’t believe what the fortune teller had predicted. The king remembered what the fortune teller had told him and thought that she had caused the death of his wife. After the soldiers had brought the fortune teller to the king, he reminded her of what she had predicted. The fortune teller realized that the king had decided to kill her.

Exercise 1. Составьте предложения в the Past Perfect Tense.

  1.  Brian/to return/books to the library/before last Thursday.
  2. We/to know/the results of the test/before two o’clock yesterday.
  3.  I/to come/to the office/before lunch time.
  4.  You/ to make/the order/before we came into the cafe.
  5.  Sally/to send/the letters/before her boss returned from the bank.
  6.  The ferry/to reach/the port/by three o’clock yesterday.
  7. The performance/to finish/by eight o’clock in the evening.
  8.  They/ to build/a new hospital/before the end of April.
  9.  Мах/to have dinner/by four o’clock.
  10.  The baby/to wake up/before you left home.

Answers: 1. Brian had returned books to the library before last Thursday. 2. We had known the results of the test before two o’clock yesterday.
3. I had come to the office before lunch time. 4. You had made the order before we came into the cafe. 5. Sally had sent the letters before her boss returned from the bank. 6.The ferry had reached the port by three o’clock yesterday. 7. The performance had finished by eight o’clock in the evening. 8. They had built a new hospital before the end of April. 9. Max had had dinner by four o’clock. 10. The baby had woken up before you left home.

Что из себя представляет интернет-решебник по английскому языку 2 класс рабочая тетрадь Rainbow Афанасьева

Онлайн-версия сборника-ГДЗ всегда доступна детям и их родителям в сети. Этот решебник-портал содержит правильные ответы на все упражнения из соответствующего учебника. Материал организован таким образом, чтобы ребенок без труда мог найти интересующий его ответ. Основные плюсы решебника для детей:

  1. Он позволяет быстро ликвидировать пробелы в знаниях.
  2. На выполнение уроков будет уходить меньше времени.
  3. Усваивать учебный материал станет гораздо проще.

Правильное использование онлайн-ГДЗ подразумевает самостоятельную работу ребенка над выполнением домашнего задания и последующее сравнение результатов с верными ответами. И, конечно же, в этом случае они гарантированно запомнят правила, лежащие в основе упражнения, даже если допустили ошибку.

Номер телефона

В современном мире у любого человека есть мобильный телефон. И бывает полезно знать номера одноклассников, чтобы узнать домашнее задание, договориться о встрече или просто пообщаться в свободное время.

What’s your phone number?Какой у тебя номер телефона?

My phone number is eight nine…Мой номер телефона — восемь, девять…

Как вы видите, чтобы узнать номер телефона друга, нужно спросить:

Для того, чтобы ответить на такой вопрос, вспоминаем числа от 1 до 9, говорим «My phone number is…»Мой номер телефона… и называем свой номер по одной цифре.

What’s your phone number?Какой у тебя номер телефона?

My phone number is two five…Мой номер телефона — два, пять…

Обратите внимание!

Если в номере, который вы называете, две одинаковые цифры идут подряд, можно сказать doubleдважды и нужную цифру вместо того, чтобы повторять ее два раза.

What’s your phone number, Obrazavr?Какой у тебя номер телефона, Образавр?

My phone number is five double three…Мой номер телефона — пять, три, три…

{"questions":,"extra":}},"hints":},{"instruction":"Выберите правильный номер телефона","content":"`listen-29``fill_choice_big-38`","widgets":{"listen-29":{"type":"listen","text":"My phone number is eight nine double five"},"fill_choice_big-38":{"type":"fill_choice_big","options":,"placeholder":0,"answer":0}}},{"instruction":"Составьте слово «дважды»","content":"`spell-71`","widgets":{"spell-71":{"type":"spell","word":"double","extra":"yb"}}},{"content":"`speech-147``sentence-165`","widgets":{"speech-147":{"type":"speech","text":"What's your phone number?"},"sentence-165":{"type":"sentence","words":,"extra":}},"hints":}]}

Переводчик с английского на русский онлайн бесплатно

  1. 5
  2. 4
  3. 3
  4. 2
  5. 1

(8811 голосов, в среднем: 4.4/5)

Используйте наш бесплатный переводчик с английского на русский и переводите свои тексты в режиме онлайн. Для перевода с английского введите текст в верхнее поле редактирования. Затем нажмите на зеленую кнопку «Перевести», и текст будет переведен.

азербайджанскийаймараалбанскийамхарскийанглийскийарабскийармянскийассамскийафрикаансбамбарабаскскийбелорусскийбенгальскийбирманскийболгарскийбоснийскийбходжпуриваллийскийвенгерскийвьетнамскийгавайскийгалисийскийгреческийгрузинскийгуаранигуджаратидатскийдогризулуивритигбоидишилоканскийиндонезийскийирландскийисландскийиспанскийитальянскиййорубаказахскийканнадакаталанскийкечуакыргызскийкитайский (упр)конканикорейскийкорсиканскийкхосакриокурдскийкхмерскийлаосскийлатинскийлатышскийлингалалитовскийлугандалюксембургскиймайтхилимакедонскиймалагасийскиймалайскиймалаяламмальдивскиймальтийскиймаоримаратхимизомонгольскийнемецкийнепальскийголландскийнорвежскийорияоромопанджабиперсидскийпольскийпортугальскийпуштуруандарумынскийрусскийсамоанскийсанскритсебуанскийсепедисербскийсесотосингальскийсиндхисловацкийсловенскийсомалийскийсуахилисуданскийтаджикскийтайскийтамильскийтатарскийтелугутигриньятсонгатурецкийтуркменскийузбекскийуйгурскийукраинскийурдутагальскийфинскийфранцузскийфризскийхаусахиндихмонгхорватскийчвичевачешскийшведскийшонаэвеэсперантоэстонскийяванскийяпонский<>
азербайджанскийаймараалбанскийамхарскийанглийскийарабскийармянскийассамскийафрикаансбамбарабаскскийбелорусскийбенгальскийбирманскийболгарскийбоснийскийбходжпуриваллийскийвенгерскийвьетнамскийгавайскийгалисийскийгреческийгрузинскийгуаранигуджаратидатскийдогризулуивритигбоидишилоканскийиндонезийскийирландскийисландскийиспанскийитальянскиййорубаказахскийканнадакаталанскийкечуакыргызскийкитайский (упр)конканикорейскийкорсиканскийкхосакриокурдскийкхмерскийлаосскийлатинскийлатышскийлингалалитовскийлугандалюксембургскиймайтхилимакедонскиймалагасийскиймалайскиймалаяламмальдивскиймальтийскиймаоримаратхимизомонгольскийнемецкийнепальскийголландскийнорвежскийорияоромопанджабиперсидскийпольскийпортугальскийпуштуруандарумынскийрусскийсамоанскийсанскритсебуанскийсепедисербскийсесотосингальскийсиндхисловацкийсловенскийсомалийскийсуахилисуданскийтаджикскийтайскийтамильскийтатарскийтелугутигриньятсонгатурецкийтуркменскийузбекскийуйгурскийукраинскийурдутагальскийфинскийфранцузскийфризскийхаусахиндихмонгхорватскийчвичевачешскийшведскийшонаэвеэсперантоэстонскийяванскийяпонский


Переводчик с русского на английский

Exercise 9. Составьте вопрос к выделенным словосочетаниям.

  1.  She had translated three articles by five o’clock yesterday.
  2.  We had come to the cinema by the beginning of the film.
  3. They had reached the camp before the sunset.
  4. You had written ten invitation cards by the end of the day.
  5.  He had been to this theatre three times before.

Answers: 1. Who had translated three articles by five o’clock yesterday? What had she done by five o’clock yesterday? How many articles had she translated by five o’clock yesterday? By what time had she translated three articles yesterday? 2. Who had come to the cinema by the beginning of the film? Where had we come by the beginning of the film? 3. Who had reached the camp before the sunset? What had they reached before the sunset? 4. What had you done by the end of the day? How many invitation cards had you written by the end of the day? What had you written by the end of the day? 5. What theatre had he been to three times before? Where had he been three times before? How many times had he been to this theatre before?

Exercise 12. Переведите на английский язык.

  1. Мы вернулись домой вчера до семи часов вечера.
  2. Она сдала все экзамены до прошлого вторника.
  3.  Они не закончили работу вчера до восьми часов.
  4.  Ваша сестра не рассказала нам новости до конца перерыва вчера.
  5.  Вы вчера купили цветы до вечеринки? — Да.
  6.  Они вчера сыграли в теннис до обеда? — Нет.
  7.  Туристы прибыли вчера перед ужином.
  8. Мы не получили вашего сообщения вчера до пяти часов.
  9.  До конца прошлой недели она еще не переехала а новый дом.
  10.  Вы подготовили доклад до прошлой среды? — Да.

Answers: 1. We had returned home by seven o’clock yesterday evening. 2. She had passed all the exams by last Tuesday. 3. They hadn’t finished the work by eight o’clock yesterday. 4. Your sister hadn’t told us the news by the end of the break yesterday. 5. Had you bought the flowers before the party yesterday? — Yes, we had. 6. Had they played tennis before dinner yesterday? — No, they hadn’t. 7.The tourists had arrived before supper yesterday. 8. We hadn’t received your message by five o’clock yesterday. 9. She hadn’t moved to a new house by the end of last week. 10. Had you already prepared the report by last Wednesday? — Yes, I had.



Павличенко О.М. Английский язык. Грамматический практикум. II уровень. — 2-е изд., испр. и доп. — X.: Ранок, 2012. — 304 с.

Exercise 11. Поставьте глаголы в скобках в правильную форму.

  1. What time … the participants … (to arrive) at the conference last Wednesday? — They … (to arrive) by nine o’clock in the morning.
  2.  How many clients … he … (to serve) by the end of the day? — He … (to serve) twelve clients.
  3. … the performance … (to finish) by nine o’clock yesterday? — No, it ….
  4. Unfortunately Samantha … (never to use) this computer program before.
  5.  Whom … Robert … (to see) during his last visit to our town? — He … (to meet) some of his friends and relatives.
  6.  What hotel … you … (to choose) to stay at during your last trip? — I … (to stay) at the Hilton Hotel.
  7.  Pam … (to have) such an experience before.
  8. … Steve … (to be) to our Theme Park before this visit? — Yes, he … .
  9.  Which street… they … (to live) before they moved? — They … (to live) in Oak Street.
  10.  By what time … your grandparents … (to finish) their work in the garden yesterday? — They … (to finish) their work by six o’clock.

Answers: 1. What time had the participants arrived at the conference last Wednesday? — They had arrived by nine o’clock in the morning. 2. How many clients had he served by the end of the day? — He had served twelve clients. 3. Had the performance finished by nine o’clock yesterday? — No, it hadn’t. 4. Unfortunately Samantha had never used this computer program before. 5. Whom had Robert seen during his last visit to our town? — He had met some of his friends and relatives. 6.What hotel had you chosen to stay at during your last trip? — I had staved at the Hilton Hotel. 7.Pam had had such an experience before. 8. Had Steve been to our Theme Park before this visit? — Yes, he had. 9. Which street had they lived in before they moved? — They had lived in Oak Street. 10. By what time had your grandparents finished their work in the garden yesterday? — They had finished their work by six o’clock.


Для начала вспомним уже знакомые слова и фразы приветствия.

Hi, brother!Привет, брат!

Hello, sister!Привет, сестра!

Good morning!Доброе утро!

Good afternoon!Добрый день!

Good evening!Добрый вечер!

При знакомстве принято говорить «Nice to meet you!»,Приятно познакомиться! что означает «Приятно познакомиться!» В английском языке есть похожая фраза и для начала диалога — «Nice to see you!»,Рад тебя видеть! ее обычно говорят при встрече с друзьями и знакомыми.

Nice to see you, Voobrazavr!Рад тебя видеть, Вообразавр!

Nice to see you too!Я тоже рад тебя видеть!

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ГДЗ 7-11 класс
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;-) :| :x :twisted: :smile: :shock: :sad: :roll: :razz: :oops: :o :mrgreen: :lol: :idea: :grin: :evil: :cry: :cool: :arrow: :???: :?: :!: