Гдз rainbow english учебник — баранова, афанасьева, михеева

Exercise 5. Поставьте глаголы в скобках в правильную форму и прочитайте шутку.

A man went out of prison after twenty years. He decided to go back to the place he … (to live) before. When he got there he didn’t recognize the place. Everything … (to change). The places he … (to visit) disappeared. The man was very hungry and remembered about a small cafe where he … (to have dinner) before, but there wasn’t a cafe any more. Instead of it there was a big restaurant. The man came into this restaurant and ordered a cup of coffee and a sandwich. When he took out his wallet to pay the bill, he found a shoemaker ticket in it. «I … (to take) a pair of shoes to the shoemaker before I went to prison, but I… (not to receive) them back», the man thought. So the man went to the shoemaker’s. To his surprise the shoemaker was still at the same place! The man showed the shoemaker the ticket and explained that he … (to leave) him a pair of shoes twenty years before. The shoemaker took the ticket and said, «ОК. Come back tomorrow. Your shoes will be ready then».

Answers: He decided to go back to the place he had lived before. Everything had changed. The places he had visited disappeared. The man was very hungry and remembered about a small cafe where he had had dinner before, but there wasn’t a cafe any more. «I had taken a pair of shoes to the shoemaker before I went to prison, but I hadn’t received them back», the man thought. The man showed the shoemaker the ticket and explained that he had left him a pair of shoes twenty years before.

‘The View’ Co-Hosts Share Their Favorite Gifts Under $50 This Holiday Season | The View

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  • Duration: 8:58
  • Uploaded Date: 15 Dec 2023
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The co-hosts have you covered with last-minute gift ideas that won’t break the bank.

Subscribe to our YouTube channel: http://bit.ly/2Ybi4tM

The co-hosts have you covered with last-minute gift ideas that won’t break the bank.

Subscribe to our YouTube channel: http://bit.ly/2Ybi4tM

Full episodes: http://abcn.ws/2tl10qh
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Exercise 3. Поставьте глаголы в скобках в the Past Perfect Tense и прочитайте историю.

Fortune Teller

Many hundreds of years ago a king went to see a fortune teller to know about his future life. The fortune teller told the king, «Your wife will die this year». But the king didn’t believe what the fortune teller … (to predict). Later that year the king’s wife died. The king remembered what the fortune teller … (to tell) him and thought that she … (to cause) the death of his wife. So he decided to put the fortune teller to death. After the soldiers … (to bring) the fortune teller to the king, he reminded her of what she … (to predict). «If you are a real fortune teller, you must know the day of your own death», said the king. The fortune teller realized that the king … (to decide) to kill her. So she thought very carefully and then answered, «I’ll die three days before you do, your majesty».

Answers: But the king didn’t believe what the fortune teller had predicted. The king remembered what the fortune teller had told him and thought that she had caused the death of his wife. After the soldiers had brought the fortune teller to the king, he reminded her of what she had predicted. The fortune teller realized that the king had decided to kill her.

Exercise 12. Переведите на английский язык.

  1. Мы вернулись домой вчера до семи часов вечера.
  2. Она сдала все экзамены до прошлого вторника.
  3.  Они не закончили работу вчера до восьми часов.
  4.  Ваша сестра не рассказала нам новости до конца перерыва вчера.
  5.  Вы вчера купили цветы до вечеринки? — Да.
  6.  Они вчера сыграли в теннис до обеда? — Нет.
  7.  Туристы прибыли вчера перед ужином.
  8. Мы не получили вашего сообщения вчера до пяти часов.
  9.  До конца прошлой недели она еще не переехала а новый дом.
  10.  Вы подготовили доклад до прошлой среды? — Да.

Answers: 1. We had returned home by seven o’clock yesterday evening. 2. She had passed all the exams by last Tuesday. 3. They hadn’t finished the work by eight o’clock yesterday. 4. Your sister hadn’t told us the news by the end of the break yesterday. 5. Had you bought the flowers before the party yesterday? — Yes, we had. 6. Had they played tennis before dinner yesterday? — No, they hadn’t. 7.The tourists had arrived before supper yesterday. 8. We hadn’t received your message by five o’clock yesterday. 9. She hadn’t moved to a new house by the end of last week. 10. Had you already prepared the report by last Wednesday? — Yes, I had.



Павличенко О.М. Английский язык. Грамматический практикум. II уровень. — 2-е изд., испр. и доп. — X.: Ранок, 2012. — 304 с.

Exercise 7. Поставьте глаголы в скобках в правильную форму.

  1.  We … (already to give) our projects to the teacher.
  2.  Sandra … (to do) the shopping before the New Year Eve.
  3.  You … (not to phone) me by the end of the week.
  4. I… (not to try) such a delicious cake before.
  5.  … your sister … (to reserve) the hotel room beforehand? — Yes, she … .
  6.  … Mr Smith … (to discuss) that problem with his lawyer? — No, he … .
  7.  Clara … (never to be) to the Pyramids before.
  8.  … you … (to take) part in this festival before? — No, I … .
  9.  Mark … (to finish) his work by 6 o’clock yesterday.
  10.  … Nigel… (to find) any information in the Internet by last Tuesday? — Yes, he … .

Answers: 1.We had already given our projects to the teacher. 2.Sandra had done the shopping before the New Year Eve. 3. You hadn’t phoned me by the end of the week. 4. I hadn’t tried such a delicious cake before. 5. Had your sister reserved the hotel room beforehand? — Yes, she had. 6.Had Mr Smith discussed that problem with his lawyer? — No, he hadn’t. 7. Clara had never been to the Pyramids before. 8. Had you taken part in this festival before? — No, I hadn’t. 9.Mark had finished his work by 6 o’clock yesterday. 10. Had Nigel found any information in the Internet by last Tuesday? — Yes, he had.

Exercise 2. Поставьте глаголы в скобках в the Past Perfect Tense.

  1. He … (to watch) this TV programme before his parents came home.
  2. Sheila and Witty … (to send) the invitations for the conference before Friday.
  3.  A group of tourists … (already to visit) this cathedral before the guide told them about its history.
  4. His nephew … (to move) to a new flat by the beginning of September.
  5.  The accident … (to happen) before Henry understood anything.
  6.  It … (to stop) raining by the evening.
  7.  John and Andrew … (to get) to the hotel before night.
  8.  You … (to make) a decision before our talk.
  9.  I … (to meet) your brother before we both entered university.
  10.  We … (to make photocopies of the documents by six o’clock yesterday.

Answers: 1. had watched; 2.had sent; 3.had already visited; 4.had moved; 5. had happened; 6. had stopped; 7. had got; 8. had made; 9. had met; 10. had made.

Exercise 10. Составьте предложения, используя the Past Perfect Tense.

  1.  You/not to leave/the hotel/by our arrival yesterday.
  2.  How many letters/she/to type/by the end of the day?
  3.  Не/to have dinner/by that time?
  4.  My cousin/not to be/to this museum/before.
  5.  I/to get/your message/two days before.
  6. What/he/to do/by the end of last week?
  7.  What places/they to visit/by the end of their vacations?
  8.  Whom/he/to phone/before his departure?
  9.  She/to buy/а new fridge/by the end of last week.
  10.  Ben/to take/the medicine/by five o’clock yesterday.

Answers: 1. You hadn’t left the hotel by our arrival yesterday. 2. How many letters had she typed by the end of the day? 3. Had he had dinner by that time? 4. My cousin hadn’t been to this museum before. 5. I had got your message two days before. 6. What had he done by the end of last week? 7. What places had they visited by the end of their vacations? 8. Whom had he phoned before his departure? 9. She had bought a new fridge by the end of last week. 10. Ben had taken the medicine by five o’clock yesterday.

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;-) :| :x :twisted: :smile: :shock: :sad: :roll: :razz: :oops: :o :mrgreen: :lol: :idea: :grin: :evil: :cry: :cool: :arrow: :???: :?: :!: