Гдз по английскому языку 10 класс афанасьева, михеева student’s book углубленный уровень

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Упражнение 3: Past Simple в утвердительных, отрицательных и вопросительных предложениях

В этом упражнении нужно правильно использовать Past Simple в трех видах предложений.

Пройдите тест на уровень английского:

  1. I made a mistake. – Я совершил ошибку.
  2. We broke the rules. – Мы нарушили правила.
  3. Denise shared her Birthday photos. – Дениз выложила (поделилась) свои фото с Дня рожденья.
  4. People did not like the stranger. – Людям не нравился чужеземец.
  5. Did I say anything wrong? – Я что-то не так сказал?
  6. Did your aunt watch that movie yesterday? – Твоя тетя вчера смотрела этот фильм?
  7. You did not promise Danny to help. – Ты не обещал Денни помочь.
  8. She cut a sheet of paper. – Она разрезала лист бумаги.

Упражнение 4: Найдите ошибки в тексте

Прочитайте короткий и простой текст, в котором допущено несколько грубых ошибок. Сможете ли вы их найти?

Rick didn’t wake up on the next day. Рик не проснулся на следующий день.
He slept all week. Он спал всю неделю.
When he woke up there was no one around. Когда он проснулся, вокруг никого не было.
He came out of his room and went outside. Он вышел из комнаты и пошел на улицу.
The street looked empty. Улица выглядела пустой.
‘What happened?’ «Что произошло?» —
He asked himself. Спросил он себя.
‘Where did everyone go?’ «Куда все ушли?»
Then he noticed someone around the corner. Затем он заметил кого-то за углом.
A woman lay on the ground. Женщина лежала на земле.
She didn’t look alive. Она не выглядела живой.
But then she moved. Но затем она шевельнулась.


Упражнение 1: Past Simple в утвердительной и отрицательной форме

Пройдите эти упражнения, чтобы лучше запомнить, как образуются утвердительная и отрицательная формы Past Simple

Обратите внимание, нужно правильно использовать глагол to do и неправильные глаголы

  1. We played chess with Tomas yesterday. – Мы играли в шахматы с Томом вчера.
  2. Natalie stayed at the hotel. – Натали остановилась в отеле.
  3. She did not know my address. – Она не знала мой адрес.
  4. They saw something interesting. – Они видели что-то интересное.
  5. I did not understand those words. – Я не понимал тех слов.
  6. You heard the order. – Вы слышали приказ.
  7. Our parents did not trust – Наши родители не доверяли врачам.
  8. Helen had an idea. – У Хелен была идея.
  9. He did not feel any difference. – Он не почувствовал никакой разницы.
  10. I knew it! – Я знал это!


Упражнение 1.

  1. I work in a bank.
  2. Harry lives in London.
  3. My cat eats fish every day.
  4. Linda takes a shower every morning.
  5. We visit our parents once a week.
  6. I often meet my friends.
  7. They sometimes go to the cinema in the evening.
  8. The shops open at 10 am.
  9. Brandon writes stories in his free time.
  10. It snows a lot in winter here.

Упражнение 2.

  1. Do you like playing football?
  2. Does he watch TV every day?
  3. Do they live in a flat?
  4. Does your brother swim well?
  5. Do we have fruits in the fridge?
  6. Does she eat fish?
  7. Do you sleep a lot?
  8. Does he skip his English classes?
  9. Do they speak Spanish?
  10. Does your mum work in a school?

Упражнение 3.

  1. Carla doesn’t ride a bicycle.
  2. We don’t live in a big city.
  3. They don’t read news.
  4. I don’t go to bed late.
  5. Dan doesn’t enjoy winters.
  6. It doesn’t rain here a lot.
  7. I don’t wear jeans at work.
  8. Lily doesn’t play the piano.
  9. Jim and I don’t rent a flat.
  10. Sam doesn’t have any pets.

Упражнение 4.

  1. I don’t play computer games.
  2. Sue doesn’t do shopping on the weekend.
  3. We don’t get up early on Sundays.
  4. Neil doesn’t eat meat.
  5. They don’t go to Alaska every year.
  6. You don’t drink coffee.
  7. Mila doesn’t work very hard.
  8. I don’t know many people.
  9. Kyle doesn’t have many friends.
  10. They don’t speak Italian.

Упражнение 5.

  1. Do you go to the theatre every month?
  2. We never eat in restaurants.
  3. He often travels by bus.
  4. Terry cleans his flat twice a week.
  5. Julia wants to live near the sea.
  6. Vera buys new clothes every week.
  7. They usually ride a bicycle to school.
  8. I walk on the beach every morning.
  9. Matt has an expensive car, but he doesn’t drive it very often.
  10. We use a computer to make presentations.

Упражнение 6.

  1. Jerry is friendly, he likes meeting new people.
  2. Kate is shy, she doesn’t talk much.
  3. We like movies but we don’t go to the cinema very often.
  4. They live in America but they don’t speak good English.
  5. My Italian lesson is in the evening, it starts at 8 pm.
  6. The cafes are closed but supermarkets still work.
  7. I have a sweet tooth, I love chocolate.
  8. Tom is very active, he plays basketball every day.
  9. We stay at home most evenings.
  10. Susan is a chef, she cooks very well.

Упражнение 7.

  1. Are you from France?
  2. Is he a sportsman?
  3. Do they often go out at night?
  4. Does he swim in the pool a lot?
  5. Are they architects?
  6. Is Sandra an actress?
  7. What do you do on the weekend?
  8. Where is your passport?
  9. Why is he late for the meeting?
  10. When does the lesson finish?
  11. Are Marta and John married?
  12. Why are you so happy?
  13. How long is the movie?
  14. What time does he usually wake up?

Упражнение 8.

  1. Are you from France? Yes, I am.
  2. Is he a sportsman? No, he isn’t.
  3. Do they often go out at night? Yes, they do.
  4. Does he swim in the pool a lot? Yes, he does.
  5. Are they architects? Yes, they are.
  6. Is Sandra an actress? Yes, she is.
  7. What do you do on the weekend? I play board games.
  8. Where is your passport? It’s in my bag.
  9. When does the lesson finish? At 6 pm.
  10. How long is the movie? 3 hours.

Вам может быть интересно:

  • Упражнения на глагол TO BE в настоящем времени
  • Тест на TO BE в Present Simple
  • Тест на Present Simple (для начинающих) 
  • Тест на Present Simple (для продолжающих)

Grammar error correction past simple ответы

Error Correction Exercise

There are fifteen grammatical errors in this passage. Make corrections to each error.

David Clark, 25, is living most of the time in York with his parents, but he is also the world’s first mountaineering garbage collector. He has already been making two trips to the Mount Everest to pick up trash left by expeditions there, and now he is aiming to be youngest person to climb the world’s highest mountain.

It was while he was working in the climbing equipment shop that he was hearing about the trash left on Everest. He was looking for something very challenging to do and he was liking the idea of being a garbage collector with a difference.

He is amazed at how many junk he has found. At 17,000 feet he was coming across cornflakes packets, several of empty caviar cans, and hundreds of the hypodermic needles and syringes. So far he has been collecting enough trash to cover three football fields.

For the last six months David has prepared to climb to the summit of Everest. He is training hard in the Himalayas and has been being on a strict diet. If he succeeds, he will be the youngest British person ever to reach a top of Everest.

Notes and Discussion of Answers

There are fifteen grammatical errors in this passage. Make corrections to each error.

David Clark, 25, is living lives most of the time in York with his parents, but he is also the world’s first mountaineering garbage collector. He has already been making has already made two trips to the Mount Everest to pick up trash left by expeditions there, and now he is aiming to be the youngest person to climb the world’s highest mountain.

It was while he was working in the a climbing equipment shop that he was hearing heard about the trash left on Everest. He was looking for something very challenging to do and he was liking liked the idea of being a garbage collector with a difference.

He is amazed at how many much junk he has found. At 17,000 feet he was coming came across cornflakes packets, several of empty caviar cans, and hundreds of the hypodermic needles and syringes. So far he has been collecting collected enough trash to cover three football fields.

For the last six months David has prepared been preparing to climb to the summit of Everest. He is training hard in the Himalayas and has been being on a strict diet. If he succeeds, he will be the youngest British person ever to reach a the top of Everest.


Топ вопросов за вчера в категории Английский язык

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Ответов: 1

Ответы на вопрос

Отвечает Кривченков Андрей.

Конечно, давайте разберём это письмо и выберем правильные слова:

  1. «1/My» — Здесь правильное слово «My». Письмо начинается с представления, поэтому нужно использовать «My».

  2. «am/is» — В этом случае правильное слово «am». Фраза «I am seven» переводится как «Мне семь лет».

  3. «have/is» — Здесь правильно «is». Фраза «this is my family» означает «это моя семья».

  4. «has/have» — Правильный выбор — «have». Фраза «I have got a brother/sister» используется для указания на наличие брата или сестры.

  5. «brother/sister» — Поскольку в письме упоминается Анна (Ann), правильный выбор — «sister». Значит, фраза будет «I have got a sister, Ann».

  6. «fair/big» — Правильное слово здесь «fair». Фраза «I have got fair hair» означает «У меня светлые волосы».

  7. «ears/eyes» — Здесь подходит слово «eyes». Фраза «green eyes» переводится как «зелёные глаза».

  8. «am/can» — Правильный выбор — «can». Фраза «I can sing and dance» означает «Я умею петь и танцевать».

Итак, правильные ответы:

  1. My, 2) am, 3) is, 4) have, 5) sister, 6) fair, 7) eyes, 8) can.

Надеюсь, это поможет!

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Ответов: 1

Упражнение 2: Past Simple в вопросительных предложениях

Это задание намного проще предыдущего, потому что в вопросах в Present Simple неправильные глаголы не играют никакой роли. Главное — не перепутать, какой нужен вспомогательный глагол.

  1. Did she ask any questions? – Она задавала какие-нибудь вопросы?
  2. Did you see them running? – Вы видели, как они бежали?
  3. Did Alice come back home? – Алиса вернулась домой?
  4. Did they notice anything? – Они что-нибудь заметили?
  5. When did Sandy buy this necklace? – Когда Салли купила это ожерелье?
  6. How much did you pay for water? – Сколько вы заплатили за воду?
  7. What did you find on the ground? – Что ты нашел на земле?
  8. Why did you cry? – Почему вы плакали?
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