Гдз решебник учебник английский язык 9 класс rainbow афанасьева

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The Lonely King (Male Reader x FGO)

A story about the 115th King of the Lucis Kingdom and the young master of Chaldea. Set in thirty years after the final event of Final Fantasy XV. (Y/n) Lucis Caelum resumes the work of his father, Noctis Lucis Caelum to restore the peace between Lucis and Niflheim. While doing his job, the wise king of Lucis trap into a rift that brings him into another world, a place called France. Meanwhile, on the other side, the young master of Chaldea find her self as the only master left to help prevent humanity from certain extinction. Not long after finishing the singularity F, she finds out that another singularity has occurred. The Wicked Dragon Hundred Years’ War — Orleans — The Holy Maiden Savior. A singularity that brings her to France.Note: I don’t own anything here. Just someone who trying to spend his time by writing fanfiction story.

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Согласование времен.

He said that by the year 2000 the number of skiers in the world would reach 75 million.

He asked me if I knew about the largest contracts concluded by the firm.

We didn’t know whether our plan would bring us success.

They wanted to know what our present research was centred upon.

He asked if the car — manufacturing plant had expanded its international operations.

He reported that the firm was holding talks about an automobile plant in the district.

I thought that the organization had already started its work.

He added that he could show us the collection of mail stamps his father had started to collect in his college days.

He said he was no longer interested in the discussion of that problem.

It was announced that die expedition had already left for the Kurils.

He asked me whether I had known about the planning and fulfillment of his mission.

It was told that you were good at mathematics.

Tom said he knew a man who was an automobile engineer.

The student said that the exercise had many sentences and added that he would do it in half an hour.

The engineer said that he didn’t think that the office work would be interesting for him.

Carved Happiness ( Jeff the Killer x reader )

This is by no means a story of which a girl falls in love with this amazing, hot serial killer who is so protective of her in the slender mansion.This is twisted story. A story of gore and sociopathy details that gives the real meaning of Jeff the killer, a mad man who barely feels anything who somehow feels a slither of emotion for some suicidal girl.Trigger Warning:There is gore, suicidal references, suicide, cursing, and murder. Disclaimer:None of these characters or artwork is mine. Only the story is. Also there will be no lemons. There will be no characters who fall into the stereotypical category like how Toby likes waffles. I mean yeah waffles are great but Toby isn’t this happy, energetic teen who is so sweet. If you believe that, please go actually do your research and read his story :)

Выберите правильный вариант1) last night irem’s boyfriend ?

Выберите правильный вариант

1) last night irem’s boyfriend .

The room while she was talking with another boy on the phone

a) was entering b) entered c) had entered

2) Can .

On the sofa when the baby started to cry

a) had slept b) slept c) was sleeping

3) World War 1 .

When World War 2 began

a) was already ending b) had already ended c) already ended

4) Ece .

The movie ‘ Da Vinci Code’ at ten o’clock yesterday

a) watched b) was watcing c) had watched

5) The family last .

On a vacation in 2010

a) was going b) had gone c) went

6) The crowd .

After the mayor had made his speech

a) had cheered b) was cheering c) cheered

7) We .

A huge , beautiful house when i was a child

a) had b) were having c) had had

8) before the man .

This job a year ago , he had graduared from university in 1999

a) had found b) found c) was finding

9) The girl .

On her project while her mother was feding her baby sister

a) worked b) had worked c) was working

10) .

You at the meeting yesterday ?

I didn’t see you there

a) were b) did c) had been

11) by the time the police .

At the crime scene , the murderer .

A) arrived / had already left b) had arrived / already left c) were arriving / already left

12) while i .

Yesterday morning , i .

My friend lisa

a) was jogging / was seeing b) jogged / saw c) was jogging / saw

13) Jane and Jim .

A baby soon after they .

A) had / married b) had / had married c) had had / married.

Помогите пожалуста очень срочно I knew that my … (have / has / had) a problem?

Помогите пожалуста очень срочно I knew that my … (have / has / had) a problem.

I sister know that my sister … (have / has / had) a problem.

I knew that my sister … (will have / would have / had) a problem soon.

He said he … (lived / has lived / had lived) in Moscow since 2005.

She asks me if the flight … (has been cancelled / had been cancelled / been cancelled).

She asked me if the flight … (has been cancelled / had been cancelled / was cancelled).

Nobody knew what … (will happen / would happen / happens) next.

Mike said that he … (hasn’t met / didn’t meet / hadn’t met) Helen since they parted.

Kelly said that she … (didn’t want / doesn’t want / hadn’t wanted) to wear her hat.

[Robots and Magic] Between Claws

«No matter what they have to face in lifeThey will always be by each other’s side With friends around, they are undefeated Every task their way will be completed.»◦• Sequel to ‘The First Transformation’ •◦For the new readers, please read my previous fanfic so that you can understand the story better!I’ve mentioned these before and I will do it again:⋆⛧*┈┈┈┈﹤୨♡୧﹥ ┈┈┈┈*⛧⋆≫ This is a Transformers/Equestria girls Crossover Fanfic;≫ Both of the shows belong to Hasbro;≫ Story occurs after ‘The First Transformation’ book;≫ The ‘Robots and Magic’ series takes place after both endings of EQG and RID 2015;≫ Cover, redesigns and fanarts that will appear in this fic belong to me;≫ May contain Trigger Warnings!⋆⛧*┈┈┈┈﹤୨♡୧﹥ ┈┈┈┈*⛧⋆. . . ⇢ ˗ˏˋ ❝ ┊ ➶ 。˚ °➼ No rude comments;➼ Do not repost my art without credit;➼ Be patient, this fic may be updated slowly but it will be finished;➼ Let me know if any corrections are needed, writing advice would also be highly appreciated!Thank you everyone! ⋘ 𝑃𝑙𝑒𝑎𝑠𝑒 𝑤𝑎𝑖𝑡 — 𝑙𝑜𝑎𝑑𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝑑𝑎𝑡𝑎… ⋙

Помогите пожалуста очень срочно I knew that my sister … (have / has / had) a problem?

Помогите пожалуста очень срочно I knew that my sister … (have / has / had) a problem.

I know that my sister … (have / has / had) a problem.

I knew that my sister … (will have / would have / had) a problem soon.

He said he … (lived / has lived / had lived) in Moscow since 2005.

She asks me if the flight … (has been cancelled / had been cancelled / been cancelled).

She asked me if the flight … (has been cancelled / had been cancelled / was cancelled).

Nobody knew what … (will happen / would happen / happens) next.

Mike said that he … (hasn’t met / didn’t meet / hadn’t met) Helen since they parted.

Kelly said that she … (didn’t want / doesn’t want / hadn’t wanted) to wear her hat.

Страница 9

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  1. Did you stay at home? Ты оставался дома?
  2. Did you travel? Ты путешествовал?
  3. Did you visit your grandparents? Ты навещал своих бабушку и дедушку?
  4. Did you play games? What games? Ты играл в игры? Какие игры?
  5. Did you roller-skate or skateboard? Ты катался на роликах или скейтборде?
  6. Did you work on the computer or play computer games? Ты работал на компьютере или играл в компьютерные игры?
  7. Did you visit museums? Ты посещал музеи?
  8. Did you walk in the park? Ты гулял в парке?
  9. Did you help your parents? Ты помогал своим родителям?
  10. Did you enjoy your holidays? Тебе понравились твои каникулы?

Возможный ответ:
In my summer holidays I visited my grandparents. В мои летние каникулы я навещал моих бабушку и дедушку.
I helped them in the garden. Я помогал им в саду.
I played football and volleyball with my friends there. Я играл там в футбол и волейбол с моими друзьями.
I skateboarded and walked in the park a lot. Я катался на скейтборде и много гулял в парке.
Sometimes I played computer games but not much. Иногда я играл в компьютерные игры, но немного.
I didn’t visit any museums. Я не посещал никаких музеев.
I enjoyed my holidays very much. Мне очень понравились мои каникулы.

Вопросы и возможные ответы:

  • — Where were you? — Где ты был?- I was at my grandparents’ place. — Я был у моих бабушки и дедушки.
  • — What did you do? — Что ты делал?- I played games and helped my grandparents. I watered flowers in the garden. — Я играл в игры и помогал своим бабушке и дедушке. Я поливал цветы в саду.
  • — What did you enjoy? — Чем ты наслаждался?- I enjoyed new films in the cinema. — Я наслаждался новыми фильмами в кино.
  1. John and Sally travel to the farm every summer. Джон и Салли ездят на ферму каждое лето.
  2. John hates rainy weather.Джон ненавидит дождливую погоду.
  3. The Barkers visit their friends in Glasgow. Баркеры навещают своих друзей в Глазго.
  4. Margaret cooks suppers for her husband and children. Маргарет готовит ужины для своего мужа и детей.
  5. Margaret and Richard have their holidays in August. У Маргарет и Ричарда отпуск в августе.
  6. Chase walks in the park in the evening. Чейз гуляет в парке вечером.
  7. Smokey and Chase sleep in the hall. Смоуки и Чейз спят в прихожей.
  1. Teddy’s last holidays were very interesting. Последние каникулы Тедди были очень интересные.He was in Russia. Он был в России. He travelled there by plane, by train and by car. Он путешествовал туда на самолёте, поездом и на машине.
  2. Yesterday morning I walked a lot in the park. Вчера утром я много гулял в парке.
  3. There was no milk in the shop in the evening. Вечером в магазине не было молока.
  4. In the summer we visited a lot of places in London. Летом мы посетили много мест в Лондоне.
  5. Did your sister play the piano when she was five? Твоя сестра играла на пианино, когда ей было пять лет?
  6. Did they help their parents when they were on holidays? Они помогали своим родителям, когда были на каникулах?

Поставьте глаголы в скобках в подходящую форму (Косвенная речь)1?

Поставьте глаголы в скобках в подходящую форму (Косвенная речь)


I thought that he (will finish / would finish) his work in time.

2. We were sure that our company (invested / had invested) as much as $250m in the plant.

3. She knew many businesses (fail / failed) in their first year.

4. They supposed that a new plan of action (is being developed / was being developed).

5. He realized that labour costs in some Asian countries (are / were / had been) lower than in Britain.

6. The team leader explained that they (began / had begun) with amarket research.

7. The sales manager reported that the company (is losing / was losing / was lost) its market share.

8. He said that the company already ( has started / had started) to work on improvements.

9. The director said that they (encountered / had encountered) a number of unexpected problems last year.

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ГДЗ 7-11 класс
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;-) :| :x :twisted: :smile: :shock: :sad: :roll: :razz: :oops: :o :mrgreen: :lol: :idea: :grin: :evil: :cry: :cool: :arrow: :???: :?: :!: