Английский язык 8 класс Spotlight Английский в фокусе Ваулина Culture Corner 7 Номер 3

Spotlight 8 test 3 (module 3) ответы - контроль знаний

Текст задания Модуль 3e Упр.7

7 Read the rubric, look at the underlined key words and answer the questions, then write your story. Follow the plan in Ex. 2.

A teenage magazine has asked its readers to take part in the annual short storv competition entitled It happened to me. Write your story for the competition (120-180 words).

1 What are you going to write? Who for?

2 What kind of story will you write?

3 Who will the main character(s) be?

4 When/Where will the story take place?

5 What will the events be? List them in chronological order.

6 What will the climax event be?

7 What will happen in the end?

8 How will the main character(s) feel in the end?

Ответ к заданию

1. I am going to write a short story for the annual short story competition entitled “It happened to me” for a teenage magazine.
2. I will write a story about a girl who overcomes her fear of public speaking.
3. The main character will be a teenage girl named Lily.
4. The story will take place at Lily’s school during a school assembly.
5. The events will be:
– Lily is asked to give a speech at the school assembly.
– Lily is nervous and scared about speaking in front of the whole school.
– Lily practices her speech with her friends and family.
– Lily gives her speech at the school assembly.
6. The climax event will be when Lily starts to give her speech and realizes that she is doing a great job.
7. In the end, Lily finishes her speech and receives a standing ovation from the whole school.
8. Lily will feel proud and confident in the end, knowing that she overcame her fear of public speaking.

Lily had always been a shy and introverted girl. She preferred to stay in the background and avoid any attention. However, one day, her English teacher asked her to give a speech at the school assembly. Lily was terrified at the thought of speaking in front of the whole school. She had never done anything like that before.

Lily spent the next few days practicing her speech with her friends and family. She was still nervous, but she knew that she had to do it. On the day of the assembly, Lily walked up to the stage, her heart pounding in her chest. She took a deep breath and started to speak.

To her surprise, Lily found that she was doing a great job. She was speaking clearly and confidently, and the audience was listening attentively. As she continued to speak, Lily felt her fear melting away. She was actually enjoying herself!

When Lily finished her speech, the whole school erupted into applause. Lily felt a rush of pride and confidence. She had overcome her fear of public speaking and had done something that she never thought she could do. From that day on, Lily was no longer afraid to speak in public. She had discovered a new confidence in herself that would stay with her for the rest of her life.

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;-) :| :x :twisted: :smile: :shock: :sad: :roll: :razz: :oops: :o :mrgreen: :lol: :idea: :grin: :evil: :cry: :cool: :arrow: :???: :?: :!: