ГДЗ Английский язык 10 класс Афанасьева UNIT 1 Step 4 Номер 7

Past simple и present perfect: упражнения с ответами

Контрольная работа по английскому языку в 11 классе к учебнику М.З. Биболетова за 2 четверть

Контрольная работа за II четверть (11 класс)

I. Put the verbs into correct form (Future Perfect Active or Passive).

1. The teacher… (to correct) our dictations by the next lesson.

2. The letter… (to post) by Sunday.

3. I … (to do) the exercises by 7 o clock.

4. We … (to discuss) the report by four o clock in the afternoon.

5. They … (to pass) their exams by July.

6. The composition … (to write) by weekend by him.

7. The pupils… (to read) three English books by the end of the year.

8. The room …(to clean) by the end of the day by her.

9. A number of important experiments …(to make) by 2017 by them.

10. They … (to build) the new school by the first of September.

II. Fill in the gaps with so or such.

1. Their story was … interesting, that we could not sleep.

2. You drew … a beautiful picture that we congratulated you.

3. I was … nervous that I could not say a word.

4. It was … a good weather that we ran to swim.

5. The weather was … terrific that we stayed at home.

Контрольная работа за II четверть (11 класс)

I. Put the verbs into correct form (Future Perfect Active or Passive).

1. The teacher… (to correct) our dictations by the next lesson.

2. The letter… (to post) by Sunday.

3. I … (to do) the exercises by 7 o clock.

4. We … (to discuss) the report by four o clock in the afternoon.

5. They … (to pass) their exams by July.

6. The composition … (to write) by weekend by him.

7. The pupils… (to read) three English books by the end of the year.

8. The room …(to clean) by the end of the day by her.

9. A number of important experiments …(to make) by 2017 by them.

10. They … (to build) the new school by the first of September.

II. Fill in the gaps with so or such.

1. Their story was … interesting, that we could not sleep.

2. You drew … a beautiful picture that we congratulated you.

3. I was … nervous that I could not say a word.

4. It was … a good weather that we ran to swim.

5. The weather was … terrific that we stayed at home.

Упражнение 3. Переделайте утвердительные предложения из прямой речи в косвенную.

“I am planning to go to Kenya,” Sally said.

“I can’t read these books. I don’t like them,” Petra said.

“I don’t like chocolate,” Mary said.

“The birds build their nests among the trees,” the teacher said.

“I saw the film you recommended last night,” she said.

“I’m going to Spain next week,” she said.

“She doesn’t understand me,” he said.

Jane asked: “Did you go to London last year?”

Lisa asked: “Will you meet me tomorrow?”

Nick said: “What game is the girl playing now?”

Упражнение 3. Переделайте утвердительные предложения из прямой речи в косвенную.

“I am planning to go to Kenya,” Sally said.

“I can’t read these books. I don’t like them,” Petra said.

“I don’t like chocolate,” Mary said.

“The birds build their nests among the trees,” the teacher said.

“I saw the film you recommended last night,” she said.

“I’m going to Spain next week,” she said.

“She doesn’t understand me,” he said.

Jane asked: “Did you go to London last year?”

Lisa asked: “Will you meet me tomorrow?”

Nick said: “What game is the girl playing now?”

Перевод задания и ответа[править | править код]

  1. Где живет мистер Росс? — Я не знаю. Думаю, он живет на следующей улице.
  2. Джон курит? — Раньше да, но сейчас он совсем не касается сигарет. Он постепенно становится здоровее.
  3. Лед тает в теплом климате.
  4. Обычно я не ем сладости. Но сегодня у Тома день рождения, поэтому я съем кусочек торта, как вы можете видеть.
  5. Эти часы обычно показывают точное время, но в последнее время они работают неисправно.
  6. Не могли бы вы говорить громче? Я ничего не слышу. — Я говорю достаточно громко и не понимаю, почему вы не следите за мной.
  7. У Вас все хорошо? — О да, я в порядке.
  8. В настоящее время мы живем в очень маленькой квартире. Моя мама продала нашу старую квартиру.
  9. Когда ты встретишься с Бобом? — Встречаюсь с ним завтра в 12 часов.
  10. Она думает, что мы ошибаемся.
  11. Будь тише. Я думаю.
  12. Привет. Мы у Эндрю, он устраивает вечеринку. — О, правда? Надеюсь, ты хорошо проведёшь время.
  13. Что твой сын обычно ест на завтрак? — Иногда он ест бекон и яйца, бутерброд или йогурт. Он обычно не ест кашу.
  14. Сегодня национальный праздник. Магазины работают?

B. Future Simple или Present Simple?

  1. Я не знаю, увижу ли я тебя в следующее воскресенье. Думаю, я буду за городом.
  2. Я остановлюсь и узнаю дорогу. Не уверен, идем ли мы в правильном направлении.
  3. Если ситуация не изменится, мы будем в беде.
  4. Если Дорис прибудет вовремя, она придет сюда примерно в три часа.
  5. Том говорит, что возьмет свой зонтик, если пойдет дождь.
  6. Мы не знаем, когда он вернется.
  7. Не уверен, вернется ли он вообще.
  8. Когда он вернется, он обязательно поможет тебе.
  9. Мистер Робинсон сомневается, согласится ли он с оппонентами.
  10. Не думаю, что Джеймс пойдет в лес, если пойдет снег.
  11. Трудно сказать, когда они закончат.
  12. Фрэнк спрашивает у Джексона, поможет ли тот ему починить велосипед.
  13. Фрэнк просит Джексона помочь ему, как только тот починит свой велосипед.

C. Future Simple или Present Progressive?

  1. У нас будет вечеринка в следующую субботу. Ты придешь?
  2. Я дам тебе свой словарь, если хочешь.
  3. Ты знаешь, что Марго уезжает в пятницу?
  4. Ты уверен, что «Динамо» играет сегодня?
  5. Никто не знает, сдержит ли она свое слово.
  6. Если Рут сдержит свое слово, никто не узнает нашу тайну.
  7. Скажи нам, когда прибудет твоя сестра. Думаю, мы встретим ее в аэропорту.
  8. Джон говорит, что возьмет нас сегодня в цирк.
  9. Миссис Рочестер придет, если ты пригласишь ее на вечеринку. Ты отправляешь ей приглашение?

Тест по английскому языку (11 класс) на тему: Контрольная работа Enjoy English-11. Unit 1

Progress Check I

  1. Read the following options and use the words in the appropriate form:

Young people are not (1)__________________ in politics nowadays and I don’t see any reason why they should. There are lots of other things that are really (2)_____________ an (3)__________________ for people of our age, such as sports, music and certainly (4)___________________. I don’t watch political programmes on TV as I don’t understand them anyway. (5)_______________ use a very difficult language, which I don’t always understand. I certainly watch news from time to time, but I don’t enjoy it very much. It’s all about military conflicts, antiglobalists’ protests and other (6)___________ things.

Mike became interested in politics when he was at school. When his schoolmates were partying or camping or just watching TV, he (1)_____________________ about different political systems and movements. It was a weird (причудливый) hobby for a teenager, but he obviously (2)_______________ it. When I entered his room for the very first time, my attention (3)___________________ to a little bookcase in the corner. The collection of books there was quite unusual – biographies of famous politicians, political reviews, textbooks on politics and international relations and no feature books at all! Mike proudly said that the unique collection (4)_____________________ in just two years. He also (5)________________ me several files with articles and printed internet materials that related to different political parties and political events.

Now Mike works as a political analyst. He can easily forecast which party will win the elections, whether the unemployment rate will rise or fall, and whether our economy will grow whether we’ll have to survive through a recession period. His articles (6)________________________ in serious newspapers and now it’s me who (7)______________ his articles to make a collection.

It is something that you are morally or legally allowed to do or have.

  1. right
  2. freedom
  3. responsibility
  4. obligation

Choose the appropriate word.

All people have the right to ____________________ of opportunity.

Complete the sentence.

The problem of homeless people ______________________ tomorrow. We have done it today.

  1. must not be discuss
  2. must not discuss
  3. must not be discussed
  4. must be not discussed

Choose the appropriate word.

To my mind, the government ___________________ take care of old people.

Match the elements on the left and on the right.

  1. liberal a) -nal
  2. free b) -ize
  3. exter c) -ty
  4. opportuni d) –dom

Correct the mistakes.

You can say you are keen of studying laws indeed?

List of the rights of young people (at least 5).

Young people have the right: ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Progress Check I

  1. Read the following options and use the words in the appropriate form:

I’m convinced that we shouldn’t ignore politics. If young people are (1)_______________ to it, they can’t influence it. Someone else is shaping their future and they will have to accept the results, whatever they are. I’m not saying that we should take part in all kinds of (2)___________________. Politics is a very (3)____________________ thing and its often very difficult to say who is right and who is wrong. I never support people who protest (4)__________________, no matter how good their (5)___________________ are. I think we should analyse (6)___________________ and think for ourselves.

  1. Fill in the gaps with the correct words.

The number of people who travel for business and educational purposes has (1)________________ considerably over recent years. We move from city to city, from country to country looking for educational (2)________________, or better job. (3)____________________, those are not the only reasons for migration – often people have to leave their native land and flee from civil wars, terrorist attacks or poverty. They (4)_____________________ to other countries, sometimes, illegally, seeking (5)________________ and decent life. But in spite of their hopes and dreams the new reality can be quite tough. Most immigrants experience language problems. Even if they speak the language of the new country (6)__________________, their accent gives away their foreign background, and they may feel different and alienated from the others. They also leave behind friends and relatives, which (7)_____________________ to their loneliness and insecurity.

Контрольная работа по английскому языку в 11 классе к учебнику М.З. Биболетова за 1 четверть

The 11 th form

1. Choose the right form.

1) Новый материал обычно объясняется учителем.

a) were explained с) is explained

b) are explained d) will be explained

2) Новый материал объяснялся вчера в это время.

a) am explained с) was being explained

b) have been explained d) was explained

3) Новый материал будет объяснен на следующей неделе.

a) will be explained с) will have been explained

b) are explained d) will explain

4) He входите в класс. Там объясняется новый материал.

a) is explaining с) are being explained

b) is being explained d) is explained

5) Новый материал уже объяснен.

a) have been explained с) are explained

b) have explained d) has been explained

6) Студентов экзаменуют два раза в год.

a) were examined с) is examined

b) are examined d) will be examined

7) Летом студенты будут экзаменоваться по пяти предметам.

a) will be examined с) will have been examined

b) are examined d) was examined

8) Всех студентов уже проэкзаменовали.

a) have been examined с) are examined

b) have examined d) has been examined

9) Студента экзаменовали вчера в это время.

a) am examined c) was being examined

b) have been examined d) was examined

10) He входите в аудиторию. Там экзаменуют студента.

a) is examining с) are being examined

b) is being examined d) is examined

2. Fill in “the” where necessary.

1. They met before we went to …….. Sudan.

2…….. Iceland used to belong to ……Denmark. 3. From here, you can reach Termini railway station and ……….Vatican City in just a few minutes.

4. ………. Spanish language is difficult to learn.

5. I have a friend speaking ……….Japanese.

3. Fill in the blanks with the words from the box.

a) ready meal b) approved of c) fluently

d) a sense of responsibility e) lessen

1. Her …. makes her work hard and do everything in time.

2. Michael has been learning a foreign language for two years but he can’t speak …. yet.

3. Modern technologies can …. the negative impact on the environment.

4. When I decided to enter the technical university, my parents …. my choice.

5. It seems that …. producers think that you have nothing in your kitchen apart from a microwave oven.

4. Put the verbs into the correct forms

1) (You / like) this kind of music?

2) What (you/think) about this song?

3) What (you/think) about? You look worried.

4) My son (be) very naughty.

5) My son (be) very naughty these days. It is so untypical for him.

6) I (not/know) anything about this band.

7) He (not/have) an MP3 player.

8) He (have) a talk with the manager. He can’t see you right now.

Fill in the gaps with the proper word forms.

1) Oil brought rapid … and modernization to the area. GROW

2) There have been some wonderful … in recent years. IMPROVE

3) University students often get into debt because of … RISE

4) The environment is … due to people’s industrial activity. DETERIORATE

Ex. 2. Comment on the uses of the Present Continuous

1. I’m always paying for your coffee. Why can’t you pay for a change? 2. We’re spending next winter in Australia. 3. Don’t rush me. I’m working as fast as I can. 4. We’re enjoying our holiday here very much. 5. Young people are becoming more and more politically aware these days. 6. Ben and Patty are in London on holiday. They are staying at a small hotel near Hyde Park. 7. I’m meeting Sue on Saturday evening. 8. You are constantly panicking, aren’t you? Calm down. 9. Is he arriving tomorrow? 10. What are you drinking? It looks awful. 11. She is always helping people. 12. She is still waiting to see the boss. 13. He is always upsetting people by asking personal questions. 14. She is running 1,500 meters in the next Olympics. 15. What is Maria doing these days? – She is studying English at a school in London. 16. She is forever forgetting to lock the front door. 17. He’s hurrying to catch his train. 18. Prices are rising all the time. Everything is getting more and more expensive. 19. Tom isn’t playing football this season. He wants to concentrate on his studies. 20. Is your English getting better? 21. I’m having treatment on my bad back for a few weeks. 22. He’s always lying. You can’t believe a word he says. 23. Let’s go out now. It isn’t raining any more. 24. Please be quiet. I’m trying to concentrate. 25. My sister is very busy these days. She’s writing an article. 26. I’m learning English at evening classes this year. 27. Jennifer’s always losing her key. 28. Are you seeing Nigel tomorrow? 29. I’m living with friends until I find a place of my own. 30. You are spending a lot of money these days.

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